
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A feeding chart

My daughter is on continuous feeds for 23-24 hours per day.  Her formula only lasts at room temperature for 3 hours.  So during the day we only put 3 hours worth of formula in the bag at a time.  At night we fill up the bag for the whole night and put an 2 ice packs surrounding the bag.

Although we try to put her to bed at a consistent time, it doesn't always happen.  Rather than calculate out how much formula we need to use to make it through the night, I created a chart.  I have included it below as an example.

I printed it off and laminated it (I just used clear tape) and I keep it in her feeding pump backpack.

How do you manage your child's continuous feeds?  Any tips for making things easier?  Please leave comments below, subscribe to this blog, and "like" our FB page to get more tips on raising a child with severe disabilities

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