I have a 17.5 YO daughter who has severe disabilities. A simple cold will land her in ICU with a breathing tube down her throat for a month. We have been forced to be constantly aware of germs.
Now that the whole nation is being more aware of germs due to the coronovirus, here are my suggestions of how to avoid germs.
This is adapted from another blogpost I wrote called "What to do when your child with multiple disabilities gets sick"
-Stay home. Do not even visit family and friends, even if they are healthy.
-Go out only when absolutely necessary
-Put a sign on your door saying that you want ZERO visitors. And follow your rule. Do not even allow family and friends over, even if they are healthy.
-Do not go where you know people are sick (ie: your sister's kids are sick, don't go visit)
-When anyone comes home from anywhere (school, store, etc...) wash hands or use hand sanitizer IMMEDIATELY. Have a bottle readily available and kept in the same place somewhere near the door. Or better yet, have everyone change clothes. Or better yet, shower and change clothes.
-When you absolutely need to shop, go with a purpose, get in and get out.
-When you are out, use hand sanitizer before getting in your car
-Anything new you bring into the home (cans of food, etc) need to be sanitized
-Assume everything you touch outside of your home (gas pump, food at store, door handles) is contaminated. Even at your place of work.
-Frequent hand-washing during the day. Minimum of 20 seconds (Sing Happy Birthday twice)
-Watch a video about the 7 steps of washing your hands
-Wipe all high touch surfaces once a day with lysol wipes...doorknobs, phones, cupboard handles, etc...
-Try hard not to touch your face.
-Wipe the high-touch areas of your home at least once a day (doorways, doorknobs, keyboards, phones, lightswitches)
Once the sickness hits someone in the family
-Separate the sick and healthy people. At the minimum contain the sick people to 1 room in the house. Or even better, are there other solutions to separate the sick from the healthy? Can the healthy people stay in a tent in the yard? Can the sick person stay in your camping trailer? etc. Get creative.
-The sick person is not allowed to wander the house, they MUST stay in 1 room.
-Healthy people do not enter the location where the sick person is.
-Close the ventilation (Heat/AC vents and cold air returns) in the room where the sick person is. You can shove towels or things in the registers as well as closing them off. Open the windows several times a day in the "sick room".
-Dissolve Emergen-C or Airbourne and give multiple times per day to the rest of the family to boost immune system
-Use bleach in each load of dishes run through dishwasher or use disposable paper products
-Any dishes that need to be washed by hand, wash in soap and water, then soap for a minute in water with bleach, then rinse.
-Wash clothes in hot where possible and dry on High/Hot
See my other post about Tips to Survive Staying Home
What other suggestions do you have to prevent the spread of germs? Please comment below!