
Friday, April 22, 2016

Flex spending

If you have a flex spending account to pay for medical expenses, you can use it to purchase OTC (Over the Counter) medications also.

If you have a credit/debit card tied to your flex account, often the OTC prescriptions will not be approved.  But if you save your receipts and have a Dr.'s prescription, you can submit it and be reimbursed.  The money will come out of your flex account and be paid back to your pocket.

Just make a list of the medications you normally use and have the Dr. to write you an RX.  Some examples include Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Pepto Bismal, Tums, Claritin, Zyrtec, Zantac, Prevacid, Saline nose spray,  contact lens solution, bandaids, etc...

Also, anytime the Dr. says to use something over the counter, have them write you a prescription for it, so you don't have to track down the Dr. later on.

Here is a post from explaining this same concept.

Have you used this technique?  Do you have a flex account?  What things have you run through your flex account?  Please comment below.

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