
Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to build up your supply of meds for an emergency

There are several ways to build up your supply of meds in case of an emergency.

Ask your Dr. to write your prescription for a higher dosage for the purpose of building up an emergency supply.

Ask you Dr. to write you a one time extra prescription (it may need to be a different dose than normal) to have some on hand for an emergency.

Fill your prescription "early".  Most pharmacies will allow you to fill your prescription at 24 or 28 days instead of 30.  If you always fill before you run out you will be able to create a small stock of extra meds.  If you wait until you run out, you will never get ahead.

Ask your insurance company if they will pay for 90 day prescriptions?  If yes, have your Dr. write for 90 day refills instead of 30.  One the 3rd month you won't have extra, but for month's 1 and 2 you would have an extra month or 2 supply on hand.

When you child is in the hospital they will be getting meds from the inpatient pharmacy.  You can still fill your meds as if you had been taking them at home.  For example.  Let's say you can refill meds at 24 days.  And lets say you are in the hospital for 5 days.  So, if you still fill your meds on the 24th you will now have 5 extra days.

So I recommend putting a reminder on your phone of when to reorder meds and not wait until the bottle gets low.  Order meds by the calendar, not by the usage.

Other than skipping doses (which I am NOT recommending), do you know of any other ways to build up a stock of meds for an emergency?  Please share with us.

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