
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Carseats for older kids with Disabilities

Insurance and/or Medicaid will typically pay for a carseat once the child turns 3 (double check...but I think this was the last I heard) if they have a permanent disability.

You can get a carseat paid for even if they have a wheelchair they travel in.  We use ours as a backup when our wheelchair van is in the shop, so we can put her in another vehicle (in the carseat).

It is really easy to do.  This is not one that you usually DON'T have to fight for.  Here are the steps...

1.  Call your insurance or medicaid and see what Durable Medical Equipment suppliers (Usually a homecare company) they will cover.  I personally have always used IHC Homecare in SLC.

2.  While you are on the phone with insurance/medicaid you could ask what your covered benefits are regarding covering carseats.

3.  Call the recommended DME company and set up an evaluation appointment with the correct people.  For IHC it is called the "wheelchair shop" or "seating specialists".

4.  The DME will want a prescription (or letter) from your child's Dr., so while you are on the phone with DME ask them for their fax number.

5.   Call your Dr. and tell them you need a prescription (or letter) saying that your child needs a carseat and tell them to make sure and include the child's diagnosis.  Give them the DME fax number and ask them to fax it.  Ask them to call you once it has been faxed.  You can also ask them to mail you a paper copy.

6.  Once the Dr. faxes it in and calls you, call the DME supplier and make sure they received it.

7.  Attend the appointment at DME supplier.  They will measure your child, evaluate their tone (tight and loose muscles) and make a recommendation for a carseat.

8.  The DME will contact your insurance and get the carseat ordered.

9.  Wait for delivery of the carseat.

I believe you can get a new carseat from insurance/medicaid every 5 years.
She is 14 , about 4 feet tall and weighs about 65 lbs.
Yes...I know you shouldn't put things behind their head that didn't come with the carseat...judge all you is the only way to keep her airway clear and her head we just have to do what we have to do!
We have only ever had Britax, so that is the only one I know about.  It is big and heavy which is a downside, but it also feels really substantial and safe.  They are side impact tested.  It slightly reclines, which is great if kids can't sit up.  I have been happy with the Britax.

Have you gotten a carseat from insurance?  What kind did you get?  What suggestions do you have for other parents?  Did you follow the instructions below?  How did it go?

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