
Sunday, August 21, 2016

A boat versus a fire

Today in church we were talking about the armor protecting the Nephites in Alma 43.  That led to a discussion on them being in tune with the spirit before they were actually in battle (a trial) and prioritizing their time and resources to make the armor.

This also took faith to receive revelation that they needed to make armor and that then to have faith to take action to make the armor.

Noah and Nephi also had faith when they built their boats.  I made a comment in class that I think building the boat would be easier than reading my scriptures and saying my prayers every day.

Another classmate agreed and said that when you are doing something physical, like building a boat, you have a concrete plan and you can see progress and you have a final goal in mind.  But when it comes to spiritual things it is harder because it is like feeding a fire, all day, for the rest of your life.  There is no concrete plan, there is no visual/tangible progress and there is no stopping point in view.  It seems overwhelming and fruitless.

This is how I feel taking care of Ellie sometimes.  It is a never-ending stream of giving to keep her alive and sometimes it feels as if you have nothing left to give.

Spiritually or being a caregiver, how do you renew yourself?  How do you see the progress you are making?  What are the fruits of your labors?  I would love to hear your suggestions.

Here are a few of my ideas...

I love going to an annual conference regarding Ellie's disability.  I look forward to it all year long.  I get to see other people with her same diagnosis who have become my dear friends.

I rely on my weekly datenight and monthly girls night out to keep me sane.

I find hobbies for myself.

I go to school.  It allows me to interact with adults on an intelligent level and have a life where people don't know I have a child with disabilities.

I exercise with a friend 3-4 times a week.  This gives me endorphins and gives me built in friend time.

I blog out my feelings (like this post).

I do not avoid the overwhelming/negative feelings all of the time.  But those are a few coping strategies I use.

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