
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Service Dog/Seizure Dog

I was recently watching a live podcast and they were talking about service animals.

We do not have a service animal personally, but I thought I'd pass on the information they mentioned.

They said that Canine Companions for Independence was reputable and that the animals were trained and placed FREE of charge. They also said there was a long waiting list.

A few months ago I was watching BYU-TV, a show called Turning Point. I think this was the episode I watched. They were highlighting a different organization called 4 Paws for Ability. I thought they said it was free also, but I haven't had a chance to rewatch the episode. If you watch it, comment below and let us know. Here is the episode

Do you use a service animal? How do they help you? What organization did you go through? What questions do you have that others may be able to answer?

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