
Friday, July 21, 2017

Heal Diaper Rash

For kids who wear diapers their whole bums are inevitable sometimes.

Here are some ideas to heal diaper rash once you have it...

#1) My number 1 tip is to let them be naked.  This keeps all moisture and acid off their bum and allows it to heal the very fastest.

#2)  If letting them be naked is not an option...use a cool temp hairdryer when changing them to completely dry the bum.

#3) Eliminate wipes while dealing with diaper rash.  if they are poopy, put them in the tub and rinse poop off with water.  (Optional) You can then let them sit in an warm oatmeal bath (put oatmeal in a nylon and tie top.  get wet and keep squeezing the oatmeal bag until the bath water is white.)  then when drying them off,  dab the bum with the towel instead of wipe.  Then let run or use the hairdryer tip.

#4) Mix equal parts of the following 3 things...
Maalox or Mylanta (cuts the acidity of the pee)
Lotrimin or Monistat (gets rid of any yeast or fungus)
Original Desitin (not creamy) (acts as a moisture barrier)
Seriously try it.

#5) Do not try to wipe all the cream off each time you change their diaper, this just causes more damage. Just leave it and slather more on.

Those are my tips, but here are some tips from other people...
Triple Paste from Walmart
Butt Paste
Bag Balm
Corona Cream
1/4-1/2 C. baking soda in a bath

What has worked for you?  Comment below

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